What Type of Dentist Do You Need? Toothbrush History

Of the various types of dentists that are available, there are orthodontists who are additionally trained to offer dental care for patients of all ages. They perform the necessary dental procedures , such as cleaning and extractions.

Children’s orthodontics is a specialist in the treatment for children who suffer from various disorders. Children with delayed development, teeth problems caused by Lip/palate deformities, Down Syndrome tooth loss, and various different conditions are also included.

Patients suffering from problems in their bites can be treated using lingual orthodontics. Braces are fitted on the backsides of teeth which don’t show when you smile. The aim is to straighten dental misalignment without showing any noticeable brace accessories on show. The type of braces mentioned above will require more time to treat than traditional braces.


They perform different treatments on gum tissue surrounding teeth, such as scaling and root planing. An experienced periodontist might need to perform surgery in some cases to address injured or infected gum tissue. There are also general dentistryservices, such as checkups and cleans.

It is a broad term used to describe dental procedures that are specifically designed to improve the appearance of a smile. They are dentists who specialize in treating gum illness and gingivitis. A periodontist can also perform cosmetic procedures like dental implants or gum reshaping as well as bone grafts. They can also perform dental whitening, bonding procedures, veneers, and many more.

Cleaning and scaling below the gumline is a procedure performed by a dentist. The process of scaling is utilized to eliminate tartar and plaque from the teeth. This procedure can also be done under bridges and braces. Scaling can also be used in the case of multiple surgical patients since it helps reduce the risk of complications e8qcdwpo3x.

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